Our school belongs to the system of compulsory education of the Czech Republic. Pupils starts at the Primary school at the age of 6 and they leave it when they are 15. At the age of 11 the most talented children go to the grammar school, which is oriented towards university entrance. Among the pupils at our school there are gifted pupils taking part in extracurricular activities – some of them play musical instruments, sing in a choir, attend drama lessons, do sport activities, make ceramics etc. But on the other hand there are pupils with the average records, slowly workers and some pupils who have problems with learning (dyslexia). Our school is situated in a small town. Most children come from complete families but some of them are brought up in single – parent families or foster families. A few pupils commute to our school from the surrounding villages. There are also some students from Vietnam and we also have some Romany children. Our school is not big. There are 281 students and 20 teachers, but there are some other staff who do special work such as: a school psychologist, a school and after school assistant or a special educator. These people help the students who have some problems with basic education system/requirements. The School has a long and successful tradition in European education and training programs, in particular Comenius and Erasmus+ project. This year we are in involved in two Erasmus+ projects. We have a successful experience in working and collaborate with parents. Participating in this project will be a good experience. From our side we are very good at working collaboratively and our main advantage is that everybody (school, local authorities, parents…) work together in order to make sure the students have the best chances ever. Our school has a good and strong relationship with the local authority as well as with the different public and private institutions of the city. Mrs Katerina Kuncova, teacher of English and Maths, has more than 15 years of experience. She will be in full charge of the implementation of the project activities and she will be the main contact person for the students and for the teaching staff in the school, but also for the people involved on partnership level. Other English teachers will be involved in the project too as well as the teachers of Maths and Sciences. In case someone leave or is unavailable, position will be assured by Mrs, Zuzana Gucka, with experience in international project management and managerial skills. The key staff have a lot of experience on the European and international field. As partners of previous projects, our role practically has been formed in our active participation in all the stages of the project, including the preparation, the realization and the dissemination and exploitation of the results of the project. We also have some experience with the leading of the projects as a coordinators