Pare Manyanet School is located in Reus, a city of 107.770 inhabitants. Reus is an industrial and very commercial city and it is the capital of the county (Baix Camp). The school has got 1000 students approx. and it belongs to the Sons of the Holly Family religious congregation having several schools in Catalonia and Madrid. It is a private institution but paid by the government of Catalonia, that’s why there are some students with specific needs such as immigrants (who need a special dedication because their level of language is low to understand the learning process of a class), students with disabilities and also some with economic difficulties. The context of the school is not of a disadvantaged area since it is located in a new area of the city and the students attending the classes are of young families in general and of medium social levels. The students and their families participate in a very vivid way of everything related to school; cultural and educational activities. Our school would like to introduce new ways to encourage and promote the involvement of our students in the process relating to the “creation” of a European identity and give the students and the whole school community the possibility to get in touch to an “European dimension” thanks to educational exchanges, promoting in this way a real cultural integration. Our school aims to raise the profile of learning and teaching across our school communities (for pupils, teachers and parents alike) giving importance to exchange experiences and different ways of life. We aim to nurture in the children of today the experts of tomorrow. Specific aims for the children will include Increase motivation ,Improve learning and thinking skills.Our school has some experience in some areas of the project.-A Comenius project on Science and Technology called “ The secret of Newton’s apple” was done between 2012-14. It was very successful since most of the experiments and workshops developed in the project were established in our school plan.-Between 2013- 2015, our school was granted another Comenius project called “Every last drop”. Through that project, all participants developed their knowledge of the importance of water in today`s world. -Between 2015-2017 and following the desire to promote the use of English in the school, it became part of the GEP (Experimental Group for Plurilingualism) Project. That was an initiative of the Department of Education that aimed to introduce foreign languages in non-linguistic subjects of educational schools using the AICLE methodology. From that project, our school teaches some subjects in English: Science, P.E in Primary Education and Science and Entrepreneurship in Secondary Education. The Erasmus+ Committee at Pare Manyanet school consists of the Headmaster, and two teachers; Mai Rodas and Imma Farré. They have enough experience in teaching and in international students’ exchange programs.